Saturday, August 15, 2015


Well people, the struggle is real.

Did ok today, until this evening. I'm pretty sure I have strep throat and I discovered another something about myself. (Wow, this is like therapy...I really should pay myself)

My discovery? Well, when I don't feel well my mind begins to discuss things with itself, and the discussion goes something like this:

Mind: Hrmm, I don't feel well today.
Self: Well that is unfortunate. What about my workout today?
Mind: Well obviously I don't feel well enough to work out. In fact, it would be downright irresponsible for me to overwork my sickly constitution with physical exercise at this time!
Self: That reeks of sound logic. I would even go so far as to say that it would probably result in unfortunate circumstances if I were to continue to restrict my calories while I am sick...
Mind: Indeed. Well, I think its time to crawl out of bed and see what junk-uhh, comfort food I can find to help ease the pain.
Self: Lead on!

Aaannnnd that's what happened today. NOT awesome. So, although my previous goals are good and I will stick with them for tomorrow, I am going to add yet another one to the mix. I am thinking it will be vastly important in the grand scheme of things, really.

Goal #3! Uhh, how shall I put this...STICK WITH GOALS #1 & 2 FOR ONE WHOLE DAY. I mean, just one day?! How flipping difficult is that?

Tomorrow is the day. Oh, and I am weighing in tomorrow. My shame will at last be quantified.

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